Gene­ral Terms and Conditions

1)Scope: Our Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of Busi­ness regu­late the con­trac­tual rela­ti­ons for all con­tracts to be con­cluded with you, our cus­to­mers. Devia­ting con­di­ti­ons of the cus­to­mer shall not be valid.

2)Conclusion of the con­tract: Your order is bin­ding. We can accept it at our dis­cre­tion within 2 weeks by sen­ding the goods or by order confirmation.

3)Your right of Can­cel­la­tion:
a) You can cancel your order within 2 weeks wit­hout giving reasons in wri­ting (eg letter, fax, e‑mail) by retur­ning the goods. The period begins with receipt of the goods deli­very. If the accep­tance of the goods is refu­sed wit­hout reason, the trans­port and sto­rage costs are to be paid as com­pen­sa­tion.
b) In case of revo­ca­tion you are obli­ged to return the recei­ved goods. We will then refund any pay­ments alre­ady made for the deli­very of goods.
c) The right of revo­ca­tion does not apply to orders of goods that are not sui­ta­ble for return due to their nature and is not valid for redu­ced-price goods and on the occa­sion of spe­cial sales campaigns.

Please send the goods to:

Owner Ben­ja­min Dress­bach
Heyl­strasse 26
Ger­many – 63571 Gelnhausen

Please return the goods to us, enclo­sing the ori­gi­nal invoice. Pro­duct assort­ments are to be retur­ned com­ple­tely.
The goods must be unused, in per­fect con­di­tion and in their ori­gi­nal pack­a­ging.
The post­age costs for the return of orde­red goods will be paid by you, unless the goods are faulty or wron­gly delivered.

4)Price/Product change as well as deli­very reser­va­tion: The price quo­ta­ti­ons inclu­ding taxes plus the indi­ca­ted ship­ping costs apply. We reserve the right to change prices. Small devia­ti­ons and tech­ni­cal chan­ges com­pared to our illus­tra­ti­ons or descrip­ti­ons are pos­si­ble. We reserve the right not to accept orders for goods from cus­to­mers and, in case of lack of avai­la­bi­lity, not to exe­cute them. In this case we will inform you imme­dia­tely and refund your payment.

5)Payment and Deli­very: We deli­ver to new cus­to­mers only against pre­pay­ment plus the indi­ca­ted ship­ping costs. Owners of a cus­to­mer number will receive the goods against invoice on request. There is no mini­mum order quan­tity. The ship­ping costs may vary in excep­tio­nal cases. In this case we will inform you immediately.

6)Delivery time: goods that are in stock will be ship­ped within 3–5 days after receipt of the pre­pay­ment or the order. We are not liable for pro­blems on the way of trans­port. If the goods are not in stock when the order is placed, we will try to deli­ver as soon as pos­si­ble. If the non-obser­vance of a deli­very or per­for­mance dead­line is due to force majeure, indus­trial action, unfo­re­seeable obs­ta­cles or other cir­cum­s­tances for which we are not respon­si­ble, the dead­line will be exten­ded appro­pria­tely. In the event of non-com­pli­ance with the deli­very period for reasons other than those men­tio­ned above, the buyer is entit­led to set a reasonable grace period in wri­ting with the threat of rejec­tion and, after its unsuc­cessful expiry, to with­draw from the con­tract with regard to the deli­very or ser­vice con­tai­ned in the con­tract. If the impos­si­bi­lity of deli­very is based on ina­bi­lity of the manu­fac­tu­rer or our sup­plier, we as well as the buyer can with­draw from the con­tract, if the agreed deli­very date is excee­ded by more than 2 months. Claims for dama­ges due to delay or impos­si­bi­lity or non-ful­film­ent, inclu­ding those which have arisen up to the time of with­dra­wal from the con­tract, are excluded.

7)Defects of the goods: If the goods deli­vered to you are faulty, we will pro­vide imme­diate and ser­vice-ori­en­ted remedy. In case of trans­port damage, please com­plain imme­dia­tely to the deli­ve­rer, cont­act us as soon as pos­si­ble and send us the defec­tive goods carefully packed accor­ding to our ins­truc­tions, suf­fi­ci­ently stam­ped and sta­ting the defect to the address given here. To assert your claims, the ori­gi­nal invoice must be pre­sen­ted. Please keep your con­fir­ma­tion of dis­patch (parcel label) carefully for veri­fi­ca­tion purposes.

8)24 months war­ranty from deli­very. In case of com­plaints, the date of purchase must be proven with an invoice. The com­plai­ned article must be sent in tog­e­ther with a copy of the invoice, suf­fi­ci­ently stam­ped. The war­ranty does not extend to normal wear and tear. The war­ranty expi­res if the cus­to­mer chan­ges the deli­vered goods.

9)Data pro­tec­tion: For the pur­po­ses of order pro­ces­sing and the main­ten­ance of cus­to­mer rela­ti­ons, we pro­cess and use your per­so­nal data. Dis­cre­tion and con­fi­den­tia­lity as well as strict com­pli­ance with the appli­ca­ble data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons are a matter of course for us. No pas­sing on of your data to third parties.

10)Miscellaneous: Should a pro­vi­sion of this agree­ment be or become inva­lid, this shall not affect the vali­dity of the remai­ning pro­vi­si­ons. Rather, the inva­lid pro­vi­sion shall be repla­ced by a sub­sti­tute pro­vi­sion which cor­re­sponds or at least comes as close as pos­si­ble to the pur­pose of the agree­ment and which the par­ties would have agreed to in order to achieve the same eco­no­mic result if they had been aware of the inva­li­dity of the pro­vi­sion. The same applies accor­din­gly to the incom­ple­ten­ess of the pro­vi­si­ons. In case of legal dis­pu­tes, the place of juris­dic­tion is 63571 Geln­hau­sen, Germany.

11. choice of law: German law applies exclusively.

