Diver­sity streng­thens the JAEGER Brut­technik brand – employee & cus­to­mer satisfaction.

The family-owned com­pany JAEGER Brut­technik sup­ports & lives the cor­po­rate cul­ture with regard to diver­sity- for exam­ple in gender, age, social origin, sexual ori­en­ta­tion, disa­bi­lity, reli­gion and mindset.

In order to meet these chal­lenges, it is neces­sary to deal con­sciously with resour­ces – espe­ci­ally per­son­nel – to reco­gnize and uti­lize all market poten­ti­als, to remain inno­va­tive and to have suf­fi­ci­ently qua­li­fied per­son­nel available for this pur­pose. In short: to reco­gnize and make the best pos­si­ble use of exis­ting poten­tial and diversity.

Diver­sity Manage­ment, often refer­red to as “Diver­sity & Inclu­sion”, is unders­tood as a stra­te­gic manage­ment approach to use inter­nal and exter­nal per­son­nel diver­sity to the advan­tage of all par­ties invol­ved and thus con­tri­bute to incre­asing the company’s success.

What´s Diver­sity?

The term diver­sity (from the Latin “diver­si­tas”) means variety and mul­ti­pli­city and encom­pas­ses per­so­nal, social and struc­tu­ral dif­fe­ren­ces as well as com­mo­n­a­li­ties among people and groups. Because there are a multi­tude of dimen­si­ons of dif­fe­rence, diver­sity in the work con­text is also defi­ned as the “mosaic of people” who bring a variety of pro­fes­sio­nal and life expe­ri­en­ces, view­points, values and world­views as assets to their working lives.

In order to reduce the com­ple­xity that human diver­sity has and to pro­vide a form of sys­te­ma­tiza­tion and repre­sen­ta­tion that illus­tra­tes all the essen­tial dif­fe­ren­ces and com­mo­n­a­li­ties, the diver­sity wheel (Four Layers of Diver­sity) is often used:

Figure 1 Model of the “4 Layers of Diver­sity” accor­ding to Gardenswartz/​Rowe, L. Gar­dens­wartz and A. Rowe: Diverse Teams at Work; Society for Human Resource Manage­ment, 2002.

The model of the “Four Layers of Diver­sity” by the US-Ame­ri­cans Lee Gar­dens­wartz and Anita Rowe is the lea­ding model for sys­te­ma­tiz­ing diver­sity and for recor­ding indi­vi­dual dif­fe­ren­ces. The two con­sul­tants and book aut­hors thus pro­vide a widely used repre­sen­ta­tion for addres­sing cate­go­ries of distinc­tion and affi­lia­ti­ons in com­pa­nies and orga­niza­ti­ons. The four-stage model, also known as the “diver­sity map” or “diver­sity wheel,” helps to cap­ture dif­fe­ren­ces and com­mo­n­a­li­ties among people in an orga­niza­tion and make them tangible.

The dia­gram (see Figure 1) shows pos­si­ble social cate­go­ries, so-called “dimen­si­ons”, which cause dif­fe­ren­ces and com­mo­n­a­li­ties in a com­pany and its envi­ron­ments (vis-à-vis cus­to­mers, employees, sup­pli­ers, part­ners, stake­hol­ders, etc.) and thus become effec­tive in that these can become an advan­tage or dis­ad­van­tage in dif­fe­rent contexts.

At the center of the model is the indi­vi­dual per­so­na­lity of each person, around which the six core dimen­si­ons are arran­ged. These are also refer­red to as “inner dimensions.”

The core dimen­si­ons are those aspects that accom­pany people from birth or have been passed on to them through socia­liza­tion and are thus chan­geable only to a limi­ted extent, if at all. These are:

What is Diver­sity Management?

Sim­pli­fied, you could say:

The goal of diver­sity manage­ment is to pro­vide all employees and stake­hol­ders with a frame­work in which they can and will per­form to their full potential.

Stake­hol­ders in Diver­sity Management

Stake­hol­ders in diver­sity manage­ment are all those invol­ved. In gene­ral, a distinc­tion can be made bet­ween inter­nal and exter­nal stake­hol­ders. Inter­nal stake­hol­ders include, for exam­ple, mana­gers at various levels and employees. Exter­nal stake­hol­ders include the gene­ral public as well as appli­cants, cus­to­mers, part­ners and suppliers.

Which stake­hol­ders are spe­ci­fi­cally included in diver­sity manage­ment depends on the objec­ti­ves and stra­te­gic ori­en­ta­tion, and the­r­e­fore varies from com­pany to com­pany. If, for exam­ple, the focus is incre­asingly on inter­nal stake­hol­ders, an inter­nal cul­tu­ral change can some­ti­mes be aimed at in order to achieve grea­ter effec­ti­ve­ness, inno­va­tion and cus­to­mer ori­en­ta­tion through the app­re­cia­tion of diver­sity. If the focus is more on enga­ging exter­nal stake­hol­ders, the focus will pro­ba­bly be on employer attrac­ti­ve­ness, sales or cor­po­rate social respon­si­bi­lity (CSR).


JAEGER Brut­technik is a Cer­ti­fi­ca­ted Sup­porter of the Diver­sity Charta.


“LGBTQ?” Mea­ning and life cul­ture at JAEGER Brut­technik

LGBTQ: Les­bian, Gay, Bise­xual, Trans­gen­der, Queer

The abbre­via­tion “LGBTQ” is taken from Eng­lish and stands for “Les­bian Gay Bise­xual Trans­gen­der Queer”. The German trans­la­tion of this coll­ec­tive term is “LSBTQ”, which means “Les­bian Gay Bise­xual Trans­gen­der Queer”. In the mean­time, LGBT has become accepted as a short form for all gen­ders Gender, iden­ti­ties and sexual ori­en­ta­ti­ons that deviate from bise­xual and hete­ro­se­xual norms. All sub­groups demand free­doms in rela­tion to the socally shaped two-sex order and the asso­cia­ted social Norm of Hete­ro­nor­ma­ti­vity (oppo­site-sex love)-(https://​de​.wiki​pe​dia​.org/​w​i​k​i​/LGBT) Sup­ple­men­ting the acro­nym “LGBTQ” are also “I,” which stands for inter­sex people, “A” for ase­xual and agen­der, and “+” or “*” as pla­ce­hol­ders for other gender identities.



We are con­vin­ced: Lived diver­sity and app­re­cia­tion of this diver­sity have a posi­tive impact at JAEGER Brut­technik, on society in Ger­many & Worldwide.

To imple­ment this cul­ture of life we will

Cul­ti­vate an orga­niza­tio­nal cul­ture that is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by mutual respect and app­re­cia­tion. We create the con­di­ti­ons for mana­gers and employees to reco­gnize, share and live these values. In doing so, they have a spe­cial obligation.

Review our HR pro­ces­ses and ensure that they reflect the diverse skills and talents of all employees as well as our per­for­mance aspirations.

Reco­gnize diver­sity within and out­side JAEGER Brut­technik, value the poten­tial it con­ta­ins and use it pro­fi­ta­bly for the com­pany or institution.

Making the con­tents of the cul­ture of life the sub­ject of inter­nal and exter­nal dialogue.

Pro­vide infor­ma­tion about our acti­vi­ties and pro­gress in pro­mo­ting diver­sity and appreciation.

Inform our work­force about the added value of diver­sity and involve them in imple­men­ting the cul­ture of life.The diver­sity of society, influen­ced by glo­ba­liza­tion, demo­gra­phic and social change, is also sha­ping the world of work in Ger­many. We can only be suc­cessful eco­no­mic­ally and as a society if we reco­gnize, pro­mote and uti­lize the diver­sity that exists. This applies to the diver­sity of our work­force and the diverse needs of our busi­ness part­ners and citi­zens. The diver­sity of our employees with their dif­fe­rent skills and talents opens up oppor­tu­ni­ties for inno­va­tive and crea­tive solu­ti­ons. The imple­men­ta­tion of the “Diver­sity Char­ter” at JAEGER Brut­technik aims to create an app­re­cia­tive working envi­ron­ment for all employees – regard­less of age, ethnic origin and natio­na­lity, gender and gender iden­tity, phy­si­cal and mental abili­ties, reli­gion and world view, sexual ori­en­ta­tion and social origin. We create a cli­mate of mutual respect and trust. This has a posi­tive impact on our repu­ta­tion in Ger­many as well as in other count­ries around the world.
