Prices, ship­ping costs and deli­very information

The prices stated on the pro­duct pages include the sta­tu­tory value added tax and other price components.

We only deli­ver within Europe, espe­ci­ally Ger­many and Austria.

In addi­tion to the indi­ca­ted prices we charge

  • for deli­very within Ger­many up to 5 kilo­grams ship­ping weight 7.50 €, free deli­very mini­mum order of 50 Euro.
  • for deli­very to Switz­er­land up to 2 kilo­grams ship­ping weight 14,00 €
  • for deli­very to Bel­gium, Den­mark, France, Luxem­bourg, Monaco, Net­her­lands, Poland, Czech Repu­blic and Aus­tria up to 2 kilo­grams ship­ping weight 14,55 €
  • for deli­very to Italy, Sweden, Spain and the United King­dom up to 2 kilo­grams ship­ping weight 15.30 €
  • for deli­very to Esto­nia, Fin­land, Greece, Ire­land, Croa­tia, Latvia, Malta, Por­tu­gal and Cyprus up to 2 kilo­grams ship­ping weight 15.65 €
  • all other weights, dimen­si­ons and count­ries on request

The ship­ping costs will be cle­arly indi­ca­ted again in the shop­ping cart system and on the order page.

There are no ship­ping costs for digi­tal con­tent (e‑books, soft­ware, etc.).

Any flat-rate ship­ping costs include the sta­tu­tory value added tax. Since the VAT on the ship­ping flat rate is cal­cu­la­ted depen­ding on the purcha­sed goods, it may be redu­ced if goods are purcha­sed at lower VAT rates (e.g. when purcha­sing books). This means that the flat-rate ship­ping costs can only be finally cal­cu­la­ted during the orde­ring pro­cess. Howe­ver, it cannot be increased, but only decreased in your favor.