About Us

Geflügel - Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Brut und Zucht mit JAEGER Kunstglucken

The family com­pany Jäger & Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­rate e.K. was foun­ded in 1957 in Ger­many. The foun­der, Karl Jäger, is also con­side­red the foun­der of modern incu­ba­tion tech­no­logy. Today, Ben­ja­min Dress­bach, in the 4th gene­ra­tion, leads the company.

Our phi­lo­so­phy

Since 1957 we have set our­sel­ves the task of manu­fac­tu­ring high qua­lity and also reason­ably priced incubators.

The JAEGER Arti­fi­cial Hat­cher Type FB-50 & JAEGER Arti­fi­cial Hat­cher Type FB-80 have been the first choice in count­less bree­der cir­cles for more than 60 years.

We want your hat­ching and bree­ding to be a success

Jäger & Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­rate e.K. has had suc­cessful coöpe­ra­tion part­ners for years, who work tog­e­ther for a purpose.

With our part­ners, today’s Hat­chery Tech­no­logy deve­lo­ped into an important indus­try for bree­ders world­wide, whose common goal is to be able to breed spe­cies-appro­priate under opti­mal con­di­ti­ons and care sustainably.

Our History

  • In 1953, Karl Jäger, born in 1894, made the first appli­ca­tion to the Cham­ber of Crafts in Wies­ba­den to run a trade (manu­fac­ture of incu­ba­tor cushions).
  • On Jan. 12, 1956, Karl Jäger explai­ned the appli­ca­tion for a spe­cial permit to the dis­trict pre­si­dent in Wies­ba­den as fol­lows: “I would like to pro­duce an incu­ba­tion device deve­lo­ped over three deca­des, a so-called “arti­fi­cial brood hen”, offer it to poul­try bree­ders and see if there is inte­rest in it.……” thus the foun­da­tion stone of the com­pany and for the incu­ba­tion tech­no­logy was laid.
  • In Jan.1957 the son Her­bert Jäger, born 26 March 1937, gets the aut­ho­riza­tion for the inde­pen­dent ope­ra­tion of a busi­ness for the pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­bu­tion of tech­ni­cal novelties.
  • Febru­ary 1957, Her­bert Jäger filed an appli­ca­tion with the Trade Licen­sing Office in Wäch­ters­bach to manu­fac­ture and sell hat­ching equip­ment under the com­pany name “Her­bert Jäger Appa­ra­te­bau”. Cer­ti­fied and appro­ved by the then mayor “Held­mann” in Wächtersbach.
  • Octo­ber 1959, the father Karl Jäger has to re-regis­ter the com­pany after the sudden death of his son, Her­bert Jäger, with retroac­tive effect from 18.05.1959. A heavy blow for the com­pany Her­bert Jäger Appa­ra­te­bau in Wächtersbach
  • Almost ten years later Karl Jäger sub­mits the first appli­ca­tion for a per­ma­nent com­pany name as fol­lows “Her­bert Jäger Inh. Karl Jäger”
  • 1976 the re-regis­tra­tion of the com­pany “Her­bert Jäger Inh. Karl Jäger” to Eli­sa­beth Jäger born 1904 and Anna Pfrom­mer born 1920 due to the death of the foun­der Karl Jäger in the same year
  • The com­pany is con­tin­ued under the name and owners “Eli­sa­beth Jäger & Anna Pfrom­mer”, Stad­hal­len­weg 1 in 6480 Wächtersbach
  • Regis­tra­tion with the Süd­deut­sche Eisen- und Stahl-Berufs­ge­nos­sen­schaft (sta­tu­tory acci­dent insu­rance) in 1977 by the com­pany “Jäger & Pfrommer”
  • Infor­ma­tion about the ope­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons at the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­merce Hanau-Gelnhausen-Schlüchtern
  • Com­mer­cial regis­ter appli­ca­tion and regis­tra­tion under 264/​1978 “Her­bert Jäger, Brut­ap­pa­ra­te­bau Inh. Jäger und Pfrom­mer OHG”, Wirt­hei­mer Str. 20 in 6480 Wäch­ters­bach in 1978
  • Ren­aming of the com­pany to “Jäger und Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­ra­te­bau OHG, vorm. Her­bert Jäger” in Sep­tem­ber 1978
  • 1979 goes the trade enter­prise in the “Jäger u. Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­ra­te­bau OHG, vorm. Her­bert Jäger” on
  • The co-owner Eli­sa­beth Jäger died in 1992 and left the busi­ness to Anna Pfrom­mer
  • Anna Pfrom­mer hands over the busi­ness to her daugh­ter Ursula Vor­län­der born 1949 in March 1992
  • The busi­ness enter­prise “Jäger u. Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­ra­te­bau OHG, vorm. Her­bert Jäger” is re-named to “JAEGER BRUTTECHNIK”
  • Rene­wed com­mer­cial regis­ter appli­ca­tion in 1992 under HRA 1716 in “Jäger & Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­rate Owner Ursula Vorländer”
  • 2007 change of the com­pany in “Jäger & Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­rate owner Ursula Vor­län­der e.K.” under HRA 11716
  • In 2011 the owner Ursula Vor­län­der leaves the com­pany and is handed over to her hus­band Günter Vor­län­der born 1943
  • Re-regis­tra­tion of the com­pany “Jäger und Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­rate Inha­ber Ursula Vor­län­der e.K.” in “Jäger und Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­rate Inha­ber Günter Vor­län­der e.K.”, pro­duc­tion and trade with incu­ba­tors and accessories
  • Due to the sudden death of the owner Günter Vor­län­der in Sep­tem­ber 2019, the com­pany passes back to Ursula Vor­län­der
  • Han­ding over of the busi­ness “Jäger und Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­rate Inha­ber Günter Vor­län­der e.K.” to the son Ben­ja­min Dreß­bach born (1977) Vor­län­der in 2020 under HRA 11716 with the cur­rent busi­ness name “Jäger und Pfrom­mer Brut­ap­pa­rate e.K.”.

Our Pro­ducts