Pri­vacy Policy

This data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion cla­ri­fies the type, scope and pur­pose of the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “data”) within our online offer and the web­sites, func­tions and con­tents con­nec­ted with it as well as exter­nal online pre­sen­ces, such as our Social Media Pro­file. (her­ein­af­ter jointly refer­red to as “online offer”). With regard to the terms used, e.g. “pro­ces­sing” or “respon­si­ble person”, we refer to the defi­ni­ti­ons in Art. 4 of the Basic Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion (DSGVO).

Heyl­strasse 26
Ger­many – 63571 Geln­hau­sen
Owner: Ben­ja­min Dressbach

Phone: +49 (0) 60 51 – 700 17 26
E‑Mail: info@​jaeger-​bruttechnik.​de

Types of data processed:

- inven­tory data (e.g., names, addres­ses).
- Cont­act data (e.g., e‑mail, tele­phone num­bers).
- Con­tent data (e.g., text input, pho­to­graphs, videos).
- Con­tract data (e.g., object of con­tract, dura­tion, cus­to­mer cate­gory).
- Pay­ment data (e.g., bank details, pay­ment history).
- Usage data (e.g., web­sites visi­ted, inte­rest in con­tent, access times).
- Meta/​communication data (e.g., device infor­ma­tion, IP addresses).


Pro­ces­sing of spe­cial cate­go­ries of data (Art. 9 para. 1 DSGVO):

No spe­cial cate­go­ries of data are processed.

Cate­go­ries of data sub­jects con­cer­ned by the processing:

- Cus­to­mers, inte­res­ted par­ties, visi­tors and users of the online offer, busi­ness part­ners.
- Visi­tors and users of the online offer.

In the fol­lo­wing, we refer to the data sub­jects coll­ec­tively as “users”.

Pur­pose of the processing:

- Pro­vi­sion of the online offer, its con­tents and store func­tions.
- Pro­vi­sion of con­trac­tual ser­vices, ser­vice and cus­to­mer care.
- Ans­we­ring cont­act requests and com­mu­ni­ca­tion with users.
- Mar­ke­ting, adver­ti­sing and market rese­arch.
- Secu­rity measures.

Status: May /​ 2020


1. terms used
1.1 “per­so­nal data” shall mean any infor­ma­tion rela­ting to an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fia­ble natu­ral person (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “data sub­ject”); an iden­ti­fia­ble person is one who can be iden­ti­fied, directly or indi­rectly, in par­ti­cu­lar by refe­rence to an iden­ti­fier such as a name, an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion number, a loca­tion data, an online iden­ti­fier (e.g. a cookie) or one or more fac­tors spe­ci­fic to the phy­si­cal, phy­sio­lo­gi­cal, gene­tic, mental, eco­no­mic, cul­tu­ral or social iden­tity of that natu­ral person

1.2 “Pro­ces­sing” means any ope­ra­tion or set of ope­ra­ti­ons which is per­for­med upon per­so­nal data, whe­ther or not by auto­ma­tic means. The term has a broad mea­ning and covers prac­ti­cally all data handling.

1.3 “con­trol­ler” means the natu­ral or legal person, public aut­ho­rity, agency or other body which alone or jointly with others deter­mi­nes the pur­po­ses and means of the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data.

2.Authoritative legal basis
In accordance with Art. 13 DSGVO we inform you about the legal basis of our data pro­ces­sing. If the legal basis is not stated in the data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion, the fol­lo­wing applies: The legal basis for obtai­ning con­sent is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a and Art. 7 DSGVO, the legal basis for pro­ces­sing for the pur­pose of ful­fil­ling our ser­vices and imple­men­ting con­trac­tual mea­su­res and ans­we­ring inqui­ries is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b DSGVO, the legal basis for pro­ces­sing for the pur­pose of ful­fil­ling our legal obli­ga­ti­ons is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. c DSGVO, and the legal basis for pro­ces­sing for the pur­pose of safe­guar­ding our legi­ti­mate inte­rests is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. In the event that vital inte­rests of the data sub­ject or ano­ther natu­ral person require the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. d DSGVO serves as the legal basis.

3. amend­ments and updates to the data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion
We ask you to inform yours­elf regu­larly about the con­tent of our data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion. We will adapt the data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion as soon as chan­ges in the data pro­ces­sing car­ried out by us make this neces­sary. We will inform you as soon as the chan­ges make it neces­sary for you to take action to coöpe­rate (e.g. to give your con­sent) or to receive other indi­vi­dual notification.

4. secu­rity mea­su­res
4.1 In accordance with Art. 32 DSGVO and taking into account the state of the art, the imple­men­ta­tion costs and the nature, scope, cir­cum­s­tances and pur­po­ses of the pro­ces­sing as well as the vary­ing pro­ba­bi­lity of occur­rence and seve­rity of the risk to the rights and free­doms of natu­ral per­sons, we shall take appro­priate tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal mea­su­res to ensure a level of pro­tec­tion com­men­su­rate with the risk; these mea­su­res shall include in par­ti­cu­lar the safe­guar­ding of the con­fi­den­tia­lity, inte­grity and avai­la­bi­lity of data by con­trol­ling the phy­si­cal access to the data as well as the access, input, for­war­ding, safe­guar­ding of avai­la­bi­lity and its sepa­ra­tion. Fur­ther­more, we have estab­lished pro­ce­du­res to ensure that the rights of data sub­jects are exer­cised, data is dele­ted, and we respond to any thre­ats to the data. Fur­ther­more, we take the pro­tec­tion of per­so­nal data into account alre­ady during the deve­lo­p­ment or sel­ec­tion of hard­ware, soft­ware and pro­ce­du­res, in accordance with the prin­ci­ple of data pro­tec­tion by desig­ning tech­no­logy and by using data pro­tec­tion-fri­endly default set­tings (Art. 25 DSGVO).

4.2 The secu­rity mea­su­res include in par­ti­cu­lar the encrypted trans­mis­sion of data bet­ween your brow­ser and our server.

5. dis­clo­sure and trans­mis­sion of data
5.1 If, in the course of our pro­ces­sing, we dis­c­lose data to other per­sons and com­pa­nies (pro­ces­sors or third par­ties), trans­fer them to them or other­wise grant them access to the data, this will only be done on the basis of a legal aut­ho­riza­tion (e.g. if a trans­fer of the data to third par­ties, such as pay­ment ser­vice pro­vi­ders, in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO is neces­sary for the per­for­mance of the con­tract), you have con­sen­ted, a legal obli­ga­tion pro­vi­des for this or on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rests (e.g. when using agents, hos­ting pro­vi­ders, tax, busi­ness and legal advi­sors, cus­to­mer care, accoun­ting, bil­ling and simi­lar ser­vices that allow us to effi­ci­ently and effec­tively ful­fill our con­trac­tual obli­ga­ti­ons, admi­nis­tra­tive tasks and duties).

5.2 If we com­mis­sion third par­ties to pro­cess data on the basis of a so-called “con­tract pro­ces­sing agree­ment”, this is done on the basis of Art. 28 DSGVO.

6. trans­fers to third count­ries
If we pro­cess data in a third coun­try (i.e. out­side the Euro­pean Union (EU) or the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area (EEA)) or if this is done in the con­text of using the ser­vices of third par­ties or dis­clo­sure or trans­fer of data to third par­ties, this will only take place if it is done to fulfil our (pre-)contractual obli­ga­ti­ons, on the basis of your con­sent, on the basis of a legal obli­ga­tion or on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rests. Sub­ject to legal or con­trac­tual per­mis­si­ons, we will only pro­cess or trans­fer the data in a third coun­try if the spe­cial requi­re­ments of Art. 44 ff. DSGVO. This means that the pro­ces­sing is car­ried out, for exam­ple, on the basis of spe­cial gua­ran­tees, such as the offi­ci­ally reco­gni­zed deter­mi­na­tion of a level of data pro­tec­tion cor­re­spon­ding to that of the EU (e.g. for the USA through the “Pri­vacy Shield”) or com­pli­ance with offi­ci­ally reco­gni­zed spe­cial con­trac­tual obli­ga­ti­ons (so-called “stan­dard con­trac­tual clauses”).

7. rights of the data sub­jects
7.1 You have the right to obtain con­fir­ma­tion as to whe­ther or not data in ques­tion is being pro­ces­sed and to receive infor­ma­tion about this data and to request fur­ther infor­ma­tion and a copy of the data in accordance with Art. 15 of the DPA.

7.2 You have accor­din­gly. 7.2. you have the right to request the com­ple­tion of the data con­cer­ning you or the cor­rec­tion of incor­rect data con­cer­ning you, in accordance with art. 16 of the DPA.

7.3 You have the right to demand that data con­cer­ning you be dele­ted imme­dia­tely in accordance with Art. 17 DSGVO, or alter­na­tively, in accordance with Art. 18 DSGVO, to demand that the pro­ces­sing of the data be restricted.

7.4 You have the right to obtain the data con­cer­ning you that you have pro­vi­ded us with, in accordance with Art. 20 DSGVO, and to request that it be com­mu­ni­ca­ted to other per­sons responsible.

7.5 You also have the right to lodge a com­plaint with the com­pe­tent super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity in accordance with Art. 77 DSGVO.

8. right of with­dra­wal
You have the right to revoke cons­ents gran­ted in accordance with Art. 7 para. 3 DSGVO with effect for the future.

9. right of objec­tion
You can object to the future pro­ces­sing of data con­cer­ning you at any time in accordance with Art. 21 DSGVO. The objec­tion may in par­ti­cu­lar be made against pro­ces­sing for the pur­po­ses of direct advertising.

10. coo­kies and right of objec­tion for direct adver­ti­sing
10.1 “Coo­kies” are small files that are stored on the user’s com­pu­ter. Dif­fe­rent infor­ma­tion can be stored within the coo­kies. A cookie is pri­ma­rily used to store infor­ma­tion about a user (or the device on which the cookie is stored) during or after his visit to an online ser­vice. Tem­po­rary coo­kies, or “ses­sion coo­kies” or “tran­si­ent coo­kies”, are coo­kies that are dele­ted after a user leaves an online offer and closes his brow­ser. In such a cookie, for exam­ple, the con­tents of a shop­ping cart in an online store or a login status can be stored. Coo­kies are descri­bed as “per­ma­nent” or “per­sis­tent” if they remain stored even after the brow­ser is closed. For exam­ple, the login status can be saved if the user visits it after seve­ral days. Like­wise, the inte­rests of the users can be stored in such a cookie, which is used for range mea­su­re­ment or mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses. Coo­kies from pro­vi­ders other than the person respon­si­ble for ope­ra­ting the online ser­vice are refer­red to as “third party coo­kies” (other­wise, if it is only their coo­kies, it is refer­red to as “first-party cookies”).

10.2 We use tem­po­rary and per­ma­nent coo­kies and cla­rify this in our pri­vacy policy.
If users do not want coo­kies to be stored on their com­pu­ter, they are asked to deac­ti­vate the cor­re­spon­ding option in the system set­tings of their brow­ser. Stored coo­kies can be dele­ted in the system set­tings of the brow­ser. The exclu­sion of coo­kies can lead to func­tional limi­ta­ti­ons of this online offer.

10.3 A gene­ral objec­tion to the use of coo­kies used for online mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses can be declared for a large number of ser­vices, espe­ci­ally in the case of track­ing, via the US site http://​www​.abou​tads​.info/​c​h​o​ices/ or the EU site http://​www​.you​ron​line​choices​.com/. Fur­ther­more, the sto­rage of coo­kies can be achie­ved by deac­ti­vat­ing them in the brow­ser set­tings. Please note that in this case not all func­tions of this online offer can be used.

11. dele­tion of data
11.1 The data pro­ces­sed by us will be dele­ted or rest­ric­ted in their pro­ces­sing in accordance with artic­les 17 and 18 of the DSGVO. Unless expressly stated in this data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion, the data stored by us will be dele­ted as soon as they are no longer requi­red for their inten­ded pur­pose and the dele­tion does not con­flict with any sta­tu­tory sto­rage obli­ga­ti­ons. If the data are not dele­ted because they are requi­red for other and legally per­mis­si­ble pur­po­ses, their pro­ces­sing will be rest­ric­ted. This means that the data is blo­cked and not pro­ces­sed for other pur­po­ses. This applies, for exam­ple, to data that must be retai­ned for com­mer­cial or tax law reasons.

11.2 Ger­many: In accordance with legal requi­re­ments, data is stored in par­ti­cu­lar for 6 years in accordance with § 257 Para. 1 HGB (com­mer­cial books, invent­ories, ope­ning balance sheets, annual finan­cial state­ments, com­mer­cial let­ters, accoun­ting vou­ch­ers, etc.) and for 10 years in accordance with § 147 Para. 1 AO (books, records, manage­ment reports, accoun­ting vou­ch­ers, com­mer­cial and busi­ness let­ters, docu­ments rele­vant for taxa­tion, etc.).

12. order pro­ces­sing in the online store and cus­to­mer account
12.1 We pro­cess the data of our cus­to­mers in the con­text of the order pro­ce­du­res in our online store, in order to enable them to select and order the sel­ec­ted pro­ducts and ser­vices, as well as their pay­ment and deli­very, or execution.

12.2 The pro­ces­sed data includes inven­tory data, com­mu­ni­ca­tion data, con­tract data, pay­ment data and to the per­sons con­cer­ned our cus­to­mers, inte­res­ted par­ties and other busi­ness part­ners. The pro­ces­sing is car­ried out for the pur­pose of pro­vi­ding con­trac­tual ser­vices within the ope­ra­tion of an online store, bil­ling, deli­very and cus­to­mer ser­vices. We use ses­sion coo­kies to store the con­tents of the shop­ping cart and per­ma­nent coo­kies to store the login status.

12.3 The pro­ces­sing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b (exe­cu­tion of order pro­ces­ses) and c (legally requi­red archi­ving) DSGVO. The infor­ma­tion marked as requi­red is requi­red to estab­lish and ful­fill the con­tract. We dis­c­lose the data to third par­ties only within the scope of deli­very, pay­ment or within the scope of the legal per­mis­si­ons and obli­ga­ti­ons to legal advi­sors and aut­ho­ri­ties. The data will only be pro­ces­sed in third count­ries if this is neces­sary for the ful­fill­ment of the con­tract (e.g. upon cus­to­mer request for deli­very or payment).

12.4 Users can optio­nally create a user account, in which they can espe­ci­ally view their orders. During the regis­tra­tion pro­cess, the requi­red man­da­tory data will be pro­vi­ded to the users. The user accounts are not public and cannot be inde­xed by search engi­nes. If users have ter­mi­na­ted their user account, their data will be dele­ted with regard to the user account, sub­ject to their safe­kee­ping is neces­sary for reasons of com­mer­cial or tax law in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c DSGVO. Data in the cus­to­mer account shall remain in the cus­to­mer account until its dele­tion with sub­se­quent archi­ving in the event of a legal obli­ga­tion. It is the respon­si­bi­lity of the users to save their data in case of ter­mi­na­tion before the end of the contract.

12.5 Within the scope of regis­tra­tion and rene­wed logins and use of our online ser­vices, we store the IP address and the time of the respec­tive user action. The sto­rage is based on our legi­ti­mate inte­rests, as well as the user’s need for pro­tec­tion against misuse and other unaut­ho­ri­zed use. This data will not be passed on to third par­ties unless it is neces­sary to pursue our claims or there is a legal obli­ga­tion to do so in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. c DSGVO.

12.6 Dele­tion takes place after the expiry of legal war­ranty and com­pa­ra­ble obli­ga­ti­ons, the neces­sity of sto­ring the data is reviewed every three years; in the case of legal archi­ving obli­ga­ti­ons, dele­tion takes place after their expiry (end of com­mer­cial (6 years) and tax (10 years) sto­rage obli­ga­tion); infor­ma­tion in the cus­to­mer account remains until its deletion.

13. busi­ness manage­ment ana­ly­ses and market rese­arch
13.1 In order to run our busi­ness eco­no­mic­ally, to reco­gnize market trends, cus­to­mer and user wishes, we ana­lyze the data available to us on busi­ness tran­sac­tions, con­tracts, inqui­ries, etc. We pro­cess inven­tory data, com­mu­ni­ca­tion data, con­tract data, pay­ment data, usage data, meta­data on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO, wher­eby the per­sons con­cer­ned include cus­to­mers, inte­res­ted par­ties, busi­ness part­ners, visi­tors and users of the online offer. The ana­ly­ses are car­ried out for the pur­pose of busi­ness manage­ment eva­lua­tions, mar­ke­ting and market rese­arch. In doing so, we can take into account the pro­files of the regis­tered users with infor­ma­tion, e.g. on their purchase tran­sac­tions. The ana­ly­ses serve us to increase user-fri­end­li­ness, to opti­mize our offer and busi­ness effi­ci­ency. The ana­ly­ses serve only us and are not dis­c­lo­sed extern­ally, unless they are anony­mous ana­ly­ses with sum­ma­ri­zed values.

13.2 If these ana­ly­ses or pro­files are per­so­nal, they will be dele­ted or made anony­mous upon ter­mi­na­tion by the user, other­wise after two years from the con­clu­sion of the con­tract. In all other respects, the macroe­co­no­mic ana­ly­ses and gene­ral trend deter­mi­na­ti­ons are pre­pared anony­mously whe­re­ver possible.

13.3. the exami­na­tion of a customer’s cre­dit­wort­hi­ness is per­mis­si­ble if there is other­wise a risk of non-pay­ment, i.e. if the goods are deli­vered wit­hout pay­ment having been recei­ved (i.e. if the cus­to­mer choo­ses to purchase on account). There is no risk of non-pay­ment, howe­ver, if the cus­to­mer choo­ses e.g. the pre­pay­ment option or makes the pay­ment via third-party pro­vi­ders such as Paypal.

It should also be noted that obtai­ning an auto­ma­tic credit report is an “auto­ma­ted decis­ion in indi­vi­dual cases” accor­ding to Art. 22 DSGVO, i.e. a legal decis­ion wit­hout human invol­vement. This is per­mis­si­ble if the cus­to­mer has con­sen­ted or if this decis­ion is neces­sary for the con­clu­sion of the con­tract. Whe­ther the decis­ion is neces­sary has not yet been con­clu­si­vely cla­ri­fied, but is often taken as given, even by the author of this sample. Howe­ver, if you wish to exclude any risk, you should obtain consent.

Con­sent is also neces­sary if the credit report is alre­ady being used to decide whe­ther the option “on account” should be shown at all. This is because it could have been that the cus­to­mer would have deci­ded for pre­pay­ment or Paypal anyway and the credit check would not have been necessary.

Such a con­sent could be e.g. as follows:

I agree that a credit assess­ment will be car­ried out in order to decide in an auto­ma­ted pro­ce­dure (Art. 22 DSGVO) whe­ther the option of purchase on account is offe­red. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the credit assess­ment, the credit agen­cies used and the pro­ce­dure as well as the opti­ons for objec­tion can be found in our [link]privacy policy[/link].

14. credit rating infor­ma­tion
14.1 If we make advance pay­ments (e.g. when purcha­sing on account), we reserve the right to obtain iden­tity and cre­dit­wort­hi­ness infor­ma­tion for the pur­pose of asses­sing the credit risk on the basis of mathe­ma­ti­cal-sta­tis­ti­cal pro­ce­du­res from spe­cia­li­zed ser­vice pro­vi­ders (credit agen­cies) in order to pro­tect our legi­ti­mate interests.

14.2 Within the scope of the credit infor­ma­tion, we trans­mit the fol­lo­wing per­so­nal data of the cus­to­mer (name, postal address, date of birth, infor­ma­tion on the type of con­tract, bank details) to the fol­lo­wing credit agen­cies:
SCHUFA com­pany (SCHUFA Hol­ding AG, Kor­mo­ran­weg 5, 65201 Wies­ba­den), data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­tion: https://​www​.schufa​.de/​d​e​/​u​e​b​e​r​-​u​n​s​/​d​a​t​e​n​-​s​c​o​ring/.

14.3 We pro­cess the infor­ma­tion recei­ved from the credit agen­cies regar­ding the sta­tis­ti­cal pro­ba­bi­lity of a pay­ment default within the scope of a proper dis­cre­tio­nary decis­ion regar­ding the estab­lish­ment, exe­cu­tion and ter­mi­na­tion of the con­trac­tual rela­ti­onship. We reserve the right to refuse pay­ment on account or any other advance pay­ment in case of a nega­tive result of the credit assessment.

14.4 The decis­ion whe­ther to make advance pay­ment is made in accordance with Art. 22 DSGVO solely on the basis of an auto­ma­ted decis­ion in the indi­vi­dual case, which is made by our soft­ware on the basis of infor­ma­tion from the credit agency.

14.5 If we obtain your express con­sent, the legal basis for credit infor­ma­tion and the trans­mis­sion of the customer’s data to the credit agen­cies is the con­sent pur­su­ant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a, 7 DSGVO. If con­sent is not obtai­ned, our legi­ti­mate inte­rests in the secu­rity of your pay­ment claim are the legal basis accor­ding to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO.

15. cont­act and cus­to­mer ser­vice
15.1 When cont­ac­ting us (via cont­act form or e‑mail), the user’s data will be pro­ces­sed for the pur­pose of pro­ces­sing the cont­act request and its hand­ling in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO.

15.2 The infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded by the user may be stored in our cus­to­mer rela­ti­onship manage­ment system (“CRM system”) or com­pa­ra­ble inquiry organisation.

15.3 We will delete the inqui­ries if they are no longer requi­red. We review the neces­sity every two years; we store requests from cus­to­mers who have a cus­to­mer account per­ma­nently and refer to the cus­to­mer account details for dele­tion. Fur­ther­more, the sta­tu­tory archi­ving obli­ga­ti­ons apply.

16. coll­ec­tion of access data and log files
16.1 We raise on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rests as defi­ned in Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO data about every access to the server on which this ser­vice is loca­ted (so-called server log files). The access data includes the name of the acces­sed web­site, file, date and time of access, trans­fer­red data volume, noti­fi­ca­tion of suc­cessful access, brow­ser type and ver­sion, the user’s ope­ra­ting system, refer­rer URL (the pre­viously visi­ted site), IP address and the reques­t­ing provider.

16.2 For secu­rity reasons (e.g. to cla­rify misuse or frau­du­lent actions), log file infor­ma­tion is stored for a maxi­mum of seven days and then dele­ted. Data whose fur­ther sto­rage is requi­red for evi­dence pur­po­ses is excluded from dele­tion until the respec­tive inci­dent has been finally clarified.

17. online pre­sence in social media
17.1 We main­tain on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rests within the mea­ning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO online pre­sen­ces within social net­works and plat­forms in order to be able to com­mu­ni­cate with cus­to­mers, inte­res­ted par­ties and users active there and to inform them about our ser­vices. When cal­ling up the respec­tive net­works and plat­forms, the terms and con­di­ti­ons and the data pro­ces­sing gui­de­lines of their respec­tive ope­ra­tors apply.

17.2 Unless other­wise stated in our pri­vacy policy, we pro­cess the data of users if they com­mu­ni­cate with us within the social net­works and plat­forms, e.g. write artic­les on our online pre­sen­ces or send us messages.

17.3 We use Google Ana­ly­tics in order to dis­play the adver­ti­se­ments placed within the adver­ti­sing ser­vices of Google and its part­ners only to those users who have also shown an inte­rest in our online offer or who exhi­bit cer­tain cha­rac­te­ristics (e.g. inte­rests in cer­tain topics or pro­ducts deter­mi­ned by the web­sites visi­ted) which we trans­mit to Google (so-called “remar­ke­ting” or “Google Ana­ly­tics Audi­en­ces”). With the help of remar­ke­ting audi­en­ces, we also want to ensure that our ads match the poten­tial inte­rest of the users and do not appear to be annoying.

18. google ana­ly­tics
18.1 Based on our legi­ti­mate inte­rests (i.e. inte­rest in the ana­ly­sis, opti­miza­tion and eco­no­mic ope­ra­tion of our online offer within the mea­ning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO) Google Ana­ly­tics, a web ana­ly­sis ser­vice of Google LLC (“Google”). Google uses coo­kies. The infor­ma­tion gene­ra­ted by the cookie about the use of the web­site by the user is usually trans­fer­red to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

18.2 Google is cer­ti­fied under the Pri­vacy Shield Agree­ment and thus offers a gua­ran­tee to comply with Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion law (https://​www​.pri​va​cys​hield​.gov/​p​a​r​t​i​c​i​p​a​n​t​?​i​d​=​a​2​z​t​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​1​L​5​A​A​I​&​s​t​a​t​u​s​=​A​ctive).

18.3 Google will use this infor­ma­tion on our behalf to eva­luate the use of our web­site by users, to com­pile reports on the acti­vi­ties within this web­site and to pro­vide us with fur­ther ser­vices asso­cia­ted with the use of this web­site and the use of the Inter­net. The pro­ces­sed data can be used to create pseud­ony­mous user pro­files of the users.

18.4 We use Google Ana­ly­tics only with acti­va­ted IP anony­miza­tion. This means that the IP address of the user is shor­tened by Google within member states of the Euro­pean Union or in other states which are party to the Agree­ment on the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area. Only in excep­tio­nal cases will the full IP address be trans­fer­red to a Google server in the USA and shor­tened there.

18.5 The IP address trans­mit­ted by the user’s brow­ser will not be merged with other data from Google. Users can pre­vent the sto­rage of coo­kies by adjus­ting their brow­ser soft­ware accor­din­gly; users can also pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of data gene­ra­ted by the cookie and rela­ted to their use of the online offer to Google and the pro­ces­sing of this data by Google by down­loa­ding and instal­ling the brow­ser plugin available under the fol­lo­wing link: https://​tools​.google​.com/​d​l​p​a​g​e​/​g​a​o​p​t​o​u​t​?​hl=de.

18.6 You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion on data use by Google, set­ting and objec­tion opti­ons on the web­sites of Google: https://​www​.google​.com/​i​n​t​l​/​d​e​/​p​o​l​i​c​i​e​s​/​p​r​i​v​a​c​y​/​p​a​r​tners (“Data use by Google when you use the web­sites or apps of our part­ners”), https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/​t​e​c​h​n​o​l​o​g​i​e​s/ads (“Data use for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses”), https://​adsset​tings​.google​.com/​a​u​t​h​e​n​t​i​cated (“Manage infor­ma­tion that Google uses to show you advertising”).

19 Google Re/​Marketing Ser­vices
19.1 We use on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rests (i.e. inte­rest in the ana­ly­sis, opti­miza­tion and eco­no­mic ope­ra­tion of our online offer within the mea­ning of Article 6 para­graph 1 lit. f. DSGVO) the mar­ke­ting and remar­ke­ting ser­vices (in short “Google Mar­ke­ting Ser­vices”) of Google LLC, 1600 Amphi­theatre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA, (“Google”).

19.2. Google is cer­ti­fied under the Pri­vacy Shield Agree­ment and ther­eby offers a gua­ran­tee to comply with Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion law (https://​www​.pri​va​cys​hield​.gov/​p​a​r​t​i​c​i​p​a​n​t​?​i​d​=​a​2​z​t​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​1​L​5​A​A​I​&​s​t​a​t​u​s​=​A​ctive).

19.3 Google’s mar­ke­ting ser­vices allow us to dis­play ads for and on our web­site in a more tar­ge­ted manner so that we only show users ads that poten­ti­ally match their inte­rests. For exam­ple, if a user is shown ads for pro­ducts that he or she has been inte­res­ted in on other web­sites, this is called “remar­ke­ting”. For these pur­po­ses, when users access our and other web­sites on which Google mar­ke­ting ser­vices are active, a code is exe­cu­ted directly by Google and so-called (re)marketing tags (invi­si­ble gra­phics or code, also known as “web bea­cons”) are embedded in the web­site. With their help, an indi­vi­dual cookie, i.e. a small file, is stored on the user’s device (ins­tead of coo­kies, com­pa­ra­ble tech­no­lo­gies can also be used). The coo­kies can be set by various domains, inclu­ding google​.com, dou​ble​click​.net, invi​te​me​dia​.com, admeld​.com, goo​g​le​syn​di​ca​tion​.com or goo​g​lead​ser​vices​.com. This file records which web­sites the user has visi­ted, what con­tent he is inte­res­ted in and which offers he has cli­cked on, as well as tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion about the brow­ser and ope­ra­ting system, refer­ring web­sites, visi­ting time and other infor­ma­tion about the use of the online offer. The IP address of the user is also recor­ded, wher­eby we inform within the frame­work of Google Ana­ly­tics that the IP address is shor­tened within member states of the Euro­pean Union or in other signa­tory states to the Agree­ment on the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area and only in excep­tio­nal cases is it trans­fer­red in full to a Google server in the USA and shor­tened there. The IP address is not merged with user data within other Google offers. Google may also com­bine the above-men­tio­ned infor­ma­tion with infor­ma­tion from other sources. If the user sub­se­quently visits other web­sites, the ads tail­o­red to his inte­rests can be displayed.

19.4 User data is pro­ces­sed pseud­ony­mously as part of Google’s mar­ke­ting ser­vices. This means that Google does not store and pro­cess the name or e‑mail address of the user, for exam­ple, but pro­ces­ses the rele­vant data on a cookie-rela­ted basis within pseud­ony­mous user pro­files. I.e. from Google’s point of view, the ads are not mana­ged and dis­played for a spe­ci­fi­cally iden­ti­fied person, but for the cookie holder, regard­less of who that cookie holder is. This does not apply if a user has expressly per­mit­ted Google to pro­cess the data wit­hout this pseud­ony­miza­tion. The infor­ma­tion coll­ec­ted by Google mar­ke­ting ser­vices about users is trans­mit­ted to Google and stored on Google’s ser­vers in the USA.

19.5 The Google mar­ke­ting ser­vices used by us include the online adver­ti­sing pro­gram “Google AdWords”. In the case of Google AdWords, each AdWords cus­to­mer recei­ves a dif­fe­rent “con­ver­sion cookie”. Coo­kies can the­r­e­fore not be tra­cked through the web­sites of AdWords cus­to­mers. The infor­ma­tion coll­ec­ted through the cookie is used to com­pile con­ver­sion sta­tis­tics for AdWords cus­to­mers who have opted in to con­ver­sion track­ing. AdWords adver­ti­sers learn the total number of users who cli­cked on their ad and were redi­rec­ted to a page with a con­ver­sion track­ing tag. Howe­ver, they do not receive infor­ma­tion that per­so­nally iden­ti­fies users.

19.6 We may include third-party ads based on Google’s “Dou­ble­Click” mar­ke­ting ser­vice. Dou­ble­Click uses coo­kies to enable Google and its part­ner sites to serve ads based on users’ visits to that site or other sites on the Internet.

19.7 We may serve third party ads based on Google’s “AdSense” mar­ke­ting ser­vice. AdSense uses coo­kies to enable Google and its part­ner sites to serve ads based on user visits to this site and other sites on the Internet.

19.8 We may also use the “Google Opti­mi­zer” ser­vice. Google Opti­mi­zer allows us to track the effects of various chan­ges to a web­site (e.g. chan­ges to input fields, design, etc.) within the frame­work of so-called “A/​B test­ing”. For these test pur­po­ses, coo­kies are stored on the users’ devices. Only pseud­ony­mous user data is processed.

19.9 We may also use the “Google Tag Mana­ger” to inte­grate and manage the Google ana­ly­sis and mar­ke­ting ser­vices on our website.

19.10. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the use of data for mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses by Google can be found on the over­view page: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/​t​e​c​h​n​o​l​o​g​i​e​s/ads, Google’s pri­vacy policy is available at https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/​p​r​ivacy.

19.11. If you wish to object to inte­rest-based adver­ti­sing by Google mar­ke­ting ser­vices, you can use the set­ting and opt-out opti­ons pro­vi­ded by Google: https://​adsset​tings​.google​.com/​a​u​t​h​e​n​t​i​cated.

Fur­ther­more, when using the Face­book Pixel, we use the addi­tio­nal func­tion “exten­ded matching” (here, data such as tele­phone num­bers, email addres­ses or Face­book IDs of users) to create target groups (“Custom Audi­en­ces” or “Look Alike Audi­en­ces”) and send them to Face­book (encrypted). Fur­ther notes on “exten­ded matching”: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​b​u​s​i​n​e​s​s​/​h​e​l​p​/​6​1​1​7​7​4​6​8​5​6​54668).

We also use the “Custom Audi­en­ces from File” method of the social net­work Face­book, Inc. In this case, the email addres­ses of the news­let­ter reci­pi­ents are uploa­ded to Face­book. The upload pro­cess is encrypted. The upload is used solely to deter­mine reci­pi­ents of our Face­book ads. We want to ensure that the ads are only dis­played to users who have an inte­rest in our infor­ma­tion and services.

Note on opt-out: Please note that Face­book does not offer an opt-out at the time this pat­tern is crea­ted and you will need to imple­ment it yours­elf. If you do not, you must remove this pas­sage. The imple­men­ta­tion can be done e.g. via Java­script (set­ting the opt-out link) and when loa­ding the page via PHP (which checks whe­ther the opt-out cookie has been set and only loads the Face­book pixel in case of a nega­tive result). If a user visits the web­site, it must be che­cked whe­ther the “Opt-Out” cookie is set. If so, the “Face­book pixel” must not be loaded.

Please include the fol­lo­wing addi­tion in case of your own opt-out:

To pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data using the Face­book pixel on our web­site, please click the fol­lo­wing link: Face­book-Opt-Out Note: When you click the link, an “Opt-Out” cookie is stored on your device. If you delete the coo­kies in this brow­ser, you will need to click the link again. Fur­ther­more, the opt-out only applies within the brow­ser you are using and only within our web domain where the link was clicked.

20. face­book, custom audi­en­ces and face­book mar­ke­ting ser­vices
20.1 Within our online offer, the so-called “Face­book pixel” of the social net­work Face­book, which is ope­ra­ted by Face­book Inc, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or if you are loca­ted in the EU, Face­book Ire­land Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Har­bour, Dublin 2, Ire­land (“Face­book”), is used due to our legi­ti­mate inte­rests in ana­ly­sis, opti­miza­tion and eco­no­mic ope­ra­tion of our online offer and for these purposes.

20.2 Face­book is cer­ti­fied under the Pri­vacy Shield Agree­ment and thus offers a gua­ran­tee of com­pli­ance with Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion law (https://​www​.pri​va​cys​hield​.gov/​p​a​r​t​i​c​i​p​a​n​t​?​i​d​=​a​2​z​t​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​G​n​y​w​A​A​C​&​s​t​a​t​u​s​=​A​ctive).

20.3 With the help of the Face­book pixel, Face­book is on the one hand able to deter­mine the visi­tors of our online offer as a target group for the pre­sen­ta­tion of adver­ti­se­ments (so-called “Face­book Ads”). Accor­din­gly, we use the Face­book Pixel to dis­play the Face­book Ads placed by us only to those Face­book users who have also shown an inte­rest in our online offe­ring or who exhi­bit cer­tain cha­rac­te­ristics (e.g. inte­rests in cer­tain topics or pro­ducts deter­mi­ned on the basis of the web­sites visi­ted) that we trans­mit to Face­book (so-called “custom audi­en­ces”). With the help of the Face­book pixel, we also want to ensure that our Face­book Ads cor­re­spond to the poten­tial inte­rest of users and do not appear to be annoy­ing. The Face­book pixel also enables us to track the effec­ti­ve­ness of Face­book ads for sta­tis­ti­cal and market rese­arch pur­po­ses by seeing whe­ther users are redi­rec­ted to our web­site after cli­cking on a Face­book ad (so-called “con­ver­sion”).

20.4 The pro­ces­sing of data by Face­book is car­ried out within the frame­work of Facebook’s Data Usage Policy. Accor­din­gly, gene­ral infor­ma­tion on the dis­play of Face­book Ads, in the Face­book Data Usage Policy: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​p​o​l​i​c​y.php. Spe­ci­fic infor­ma­tion and details about the Face­book pixel and its func­tion­a­lity can be found in the Face­book help area: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​b​u​s​i​n​e​s​s​/​h​e​l​p​/​6​5​1​2​9​4​7​0​5​0​16616.

20.5 You may object to the coll­ec­tion by the Face­book Pixel and use of your infor­ma­tion to dis­play Face­book Ads. To con­trol what types of ads are dis­played to you within Face­book, you can go to the Face­book page set up by Face­book and follow the ins­truc­tions on usage-based adver­ti­sing set­tings: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​s​e​t​t​i​n​g​s​?​t​a​b=ads. The set­tings are plat­form-inde­pen­dent, mea­ning that they are applied to all devices, such as desk­top com­pu­ters or mobile devices.

20.6 You may also opt-out of the use of coo­kies for audi­ence mea­su­re­ment and adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses by visi­ting the Net­work Adver­ti­sing Initia­tive opt-out page (http://​optout​.net​work​ad​ver​ti​sing​.org/) and addi­tio­nally the U.S. web­site (http://​www​.abou​tads​.info/​c​h​oices) or the Euro­pean web­site (http://​www​.you​ron​line​choices​.com/​u​k​/​y​o​u​r​-​a​d​-​c​h​o​ices/).

20. com­mu­ni­ca­tion via mail, e‑mail, fax or tele­phone
20.1 For busi­ness and mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses, we use remote means of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, such as mail, tele­phone or e‑mail. We pro­cess inven­tory data, address and cont­act data as well as con­tract data of cus­to­mers, par­ti­ci­pants, inte­res­ted par­ties and com­mu­ni­ca­tion partners.

20.2 The pro­ces­sing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a, Art. 7 DSGVO, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO in con­nec­tion with legal requi­re­ments for adver­ti­sing com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons. Cont­act will only be estab­lished with the con­sent of the cont­act part­ners or within the scope of the legal per­mis­si­ons and the pro­ces­sed data will be dele­ted as soon as they are not requi­red and other­wise with objection/​ revo­ca­tion or omis­sion of the basis for aut­ho­riza­tion or legal archi­ving obligations.

Our news­let­ter con­ta­ins infor­ma­tion about our pro­ducts, offers, pro­mo­ti­ons and our com­pany. Infor­ma­tion on data pro­tec­tion, revo­ca­tion, log­ging and the mea­su­re­ment of suc­cess covered by the consent.

If you use a ship­ping ser­vice pro­vi­der, you will need to pro­vide addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion on this and can use these examp­les as a guide (use of a ser­vice pro­vi­der from the EU and one from a third country):

Dis­patch ser­vice pro­vi­der: News­let­ters are sent by Cle­ver­Reach GmbH & Co. KG, Müh­len­str. 43, 26180 Ras­tede, Ger­many, her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “ship­ping ser­vice pro­vi­der”. You can view the pri­vacy policy of the mail-order ser­vice pro­vi­der here: https://​www​.cle​ver​reach​.com/​d​e​/​d​a​t​e​n​s​c​hutz/.

Dis­patch ser­vice pro­vi­der: News­let­ters are sent by means of “MailChimp”, a news­let­ter dis­patch plat­form of the US pro­vi­der Rocket Sci­ence Group, LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. The pri­vacy policy of the mail ser­vice pro­vi­der can be viewed here: https://​mailchimp​.com/​l​e​g​a​l​/​p​r​i​vacy/. The Rocket Sci­ence Group LLC d/​b/​a MailChimp is cer­ti­fied under the Pri­vacy Shield Agree­ment and thus offers a gua­ran­tee to comply with the Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion level (https://​www​.pri​va​cys​hield​.gov/​p​a​r​t​i​c​i​p​a​n​t​?​i​d​=​a​2​z​t​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​T​O​6​h​A​A​G​&​s​t​a​t​u​s​=​A​ctive).

21. News­let­ter

21.1 With the fol­lo­wing notes we inform you about the con­tents of our news­let­ter as well as the regis­tra­tion, dis­patch and sta­tis­ti­cal eva­lua­tion pro­ce­dure and your right to object. By sub­scrib­ing to our news­let­ter, you agree to receive it and to the descri­bed procedures.

21.2 Con­tent of the news­let­ter: We send news­let­ters, e‑mails and other elec­tro­nic noti­fi­ca­ti­ons con­tai­ning adver­ti­sing infor­ma­tion (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “news­let­ter”) only with the con­sent of the reci­pi­ents or a legal per­mis­sion. If, in the course of regis­tering for the news­let­ter, its con­tents are spe­ci­fi­cally descri­bed, they are decisive for the con­sent of the users. In addi­tion, our news­let­ters con­tain infor­ma­tion about our pro­ducts, offers, pro­mo­ti­ons and our company.

21.3 Double-Opt-In and log­ging: The regis­tra­tion to our news­let­ter is done in a so-called Double-Opt-In pro­ce­dure. This means that after regis­tra­tion you will receive an e‑mail asking you to con­firm your regis­tra­tion. This con­fir­ma­tion is neces­sary so that no one can regis­ter with for­eign e‑mail addres­ses. The news­let­ter regis­tra­ti­ons are logged in order to be able to prove the regis­tra­tion pro­cess accor­ding to the legal requi­re­ments. This includes the sto­rage of the regis­tra­tion and con­fir­ma­tion time as well as the IP address. Chan­ges to your data stored by the ship­ping ser­vice pro­vi­der are also logged.

21.4 Dis­patch ser­vice pro­vi­der: News­let­ters are sent by “MailChimp”, a news­let­ter dis­patch plat­form of the US pro­vi­der Rocket Sci­ence Group, LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. The pri­vacy policy of the mail ser­vice pro­vi­der can be viewed here: https://​mailchimp​.com/​l​e​g​a​l​/​p​r​i​vacy/. The Rocket Sci­ence Group LLC d/​b/​a MailChimp is cer­ti­fied under the Pri­vacy Shield Agree­ment and thus offers a gua­ran­tee to comply with the Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion level (https://​www​.pri​va​cys​hield​.gov/​p​a​r​t​i​c​i​p​a​n​t​?​i​d​=​a​2​z​t​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​T​O​6​h​A​A​G​&​s​t​a​t​u​s​=​A​ctive).

21.5 If we use a mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der, the mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der may use this data in pseud­ony­mous form, i.e. wit­hout allo­ca­tion to a user, accor­ding to its own infor­ma­tion to opti­mize or improve its own ser­vices, e.g. for tech­ni­cal opti­miza­tion of the dis­patch and the pre­sen­ta­tion of the news­let­ter or for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­po­ses to deter­mine from which count­ries the reci­pi­ents come. Howe­ver, the dis­patch ser­vice pro­vi­der does not use the data of our news­let­ter reci­pi­ents to write to them itself or pass them on to third parties.

21.6 Regis­tra­tion data: To sub­scribe to the news­let­ter, all you need to do is enter your e‑mail address. Optio­nally, we ask you to enter a name for per­so­nal cont­act in the newsletter.

21.7 Mea­su­re­ment of suc­cess – The news­let­ters con­tain a so-called “web beacon”, i.e. a pixel-sized file that is retrie­ved from our server when the news­let­ter is opened or, if we use a mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der, from their server. Within the scope of this retrie­val, tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion such as infor­ma­tion on the brow­ser and your system, as well as your IP address and time of retrie­val are initi­ally coll­ec­ted. This infor­ma­tion is used for the tech­ni­cal impro­ve­ment of the ser­vices based on the tech­ni­cal data or the target groups and their rea­ding beha­vior based on their retrie­val loca­ti­ons (which can be deter­mi­ned by means of the IP address) or the access times. Sta­tis­ti­cal sur­veys also include deter­mi­ning whe­ther news­let­ters are opened, when they are opened and which links are cli­cked. For tech­ni­cal reasons, this infor­ma­tion can be assi­gned to indi­vi­dual news­let­ter reci­pi­ents. Howe­ver, it is neither our inten­tion nor that of the mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der, if used, to observe indi­vi­dual users. The eva­lua­tions serve us much more to reco­gnize the rea­ding habits of our users and to adapt our con­tent to them or to send dif­fe­rent con­tent accor­ding to the inte­rests of our users.

21.8 The dis­patch of the news­let­ter and the mea­su­re­ment of suc­cess are based on the con­sent of the reci­pi­ents accor­ding to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a, Art. 7 DSGVO in con­nec­tion with § 7 para. 2 No. 3 UWG or on the basis of the legal per­mis­sion accor­ding to § 7 para. 3 UWG.

21.10. The log­ging of the regis­tra­tion pro­ce­dure is based on our legi­ti­mate inte­rests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO and serves as proof of con­sent to receive the newsletter.

21.11. News­let­ter reci­pi­ents can cancel the receipt of our news­let­ter at any time, i.e. revoke their con­sent. A link to cancel the news­let­ter can be found at the end of each news­let­ter. At the same time, their con­sent to the per­for­mance mea­su­re­ment expi­res. A sepa­rate revo­ca­tion of the per­for­mance mea­su­re­ment is unfort­u­na­tely not pos­si­ble, in this case the entire news­let­ter sub­scrip­tion must be can­cel­led. When you unsub­scribe from the news­let­ter, your per­so­nal data will be dele­ted, unless their sto­rage is legally requi­red or jus­ti­fied, in which case their pro­ces­sing will be limi­ted to these excep­tio­nal pur­po­ses only. In par­ti­cu­lar, we may store the unsub­scri­bed e‑mail addres­ses for up to three years on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rests before we delete them for the pur­pose of sen­ding the news­let­ter, in order to be able to prove that we have pre­viously given our con­sent. The pro­ces­sing of this data is limi­ted to the pur­pose of a pos­si­ble defense against claims. An indi­vi­dual request for dele­tion is pos­si­ble at any time, pro­vi­ded that the former exis­tence of a con­sent is con­firmed at the same time.

22. inte­gra­tion of third party ser­vices and con­tent
22.1 We set within our online offer on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rests (i.e. inte­rest in the ana­ly­sis, opti­miza­tion and eco­no­mic ope­ra­tion of our online offer within the mea­ning of Article 6 para­graph 1 lit. f. DSGVO), we use con­tent or ser­vice offers from third par­ties in order to inte­grate their con­tent and ser­vices, such as videos or fonts (her­ein­af­ter uni­formly refer­red to as “con­tent”). This always pre­sup­po­ses that the third-party pro­vi­ders of such con­tent are aware of the IP address of the users, as wit­hout the IP address they would not be able to send the con­tent to their brow­sers. The IP address is the­r­e­fore neces­sary for the dis­play of this con­tent. We make every effort to use only such con­tent whose respec­tive pro­vi­ders use the IP address only to deli­ver the con­tent. Third party pro­vi­ders may also use so-called pixel tags (invi­si­ble gra­phics, also known as “web bea­cons”) for sta­tis­ti­cal or mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses. The “pixel tags” can be used to eva­luate infor­ma­tion such as visi­tor traf­fic on the pages of this web­site. The pseud­ony­mous infor­ma­tion may also be stored in coo­kies on the user’s device and may con­tain, among other things, tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion on the brow­ser and ope­ra­ting system, refer­ring web pages, visi­ting time and other details on the use of our online offer, as well as being able to be linked to such infor­ma­tion from other sources.

22.2 The fol­lo­wing pre­sen­ta­tion offers an over­view of third party pro­vi­ders and their con­tents, inclu­ding links to their data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­ons, which con­tain fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the pro­ces­sing of data and, in some cases alre­ady men­tio­ned here, the pos­si­bi­lity of objec­tion (so-called opt-out)
- If our cus­to­mers use the pay­ment ser­vices of third par­ties (e.g. PayPal or Sofort­über­wei­sung), the terms and con­di­ti­ons and the pri­vacy policy of the respec­tive third party pro­vi­der apply, which can be acces­sed within the respec­tive web­sites or tran­sac­tion applications.

- Exter­nal fonts from Google, LLC., https://​www​.google​.com/​fonts (“Google Fonts”). The inte­gra­tion of Google Fonts is done by a server call at Google (usually in the USA). Pri­vacy policy: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/​p​r​ivacy, Opt-Out: https://​adsset​tings​.google​.com/​a​u​t​h​e​n​t​i​cated.

- Maps of the “Google Maps” ser­vice pro­vi­ded by the third party pro­vi­der Google LLC, 1600 Amphi­theatre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA. Pri­vacy policy: https://​www​.google​.com/​p​o​l​i​c​i​e​s​/​p​r​i​vacy/, Opt-Out: https://​www​.google​.com/​s​e​t​t​i​n​g​s​/ads/.

- Videos from the “You­Tube” plat­form of the third-party pro­vi­der Google Inc, 1600 Amphi­theatre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA. Pri­vacy policy: https://​www​.google​.com/​p​o​l​i​c​i​e​s​/​p​r​i​vacy/, Opt-Out: https://​www​.google​.com/​s​e​t​t​i​n​g​s​/ads/.

- Within our online offer, func­tions of the ser­vice Google+ are inte­gra­ted. These func­tions are offe­red by the third-party pro­vi­der Google LLC, 1600 Amphi­theatre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA. If you are logged in to your Google+ account, you can link the con­tents of our pages to your Google+ pro­file by cli­cking the Google+ button. This allows Google to asso­ciate your visit to our pages with your user account. We would like to point out that we, as the pro­vi­der of the pages, have no know­ledge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data or its use by Google+. Pri­vacy policy: https://​poli​cies​.google​.com/​p​r​ivacy, Opt-Out: https://​adsset​tings​.google​.com/​a​u​t​h​e​n​t​i​cated.

- Within our online offer, func­tions of the Insta­gram ser­vice are inte­gra­ted. These func­tions are offe­red by Insta­gram Inc, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA. If you are logged in to your Insta­gram account, you can link the con­tent of our pages to your Insta­gram pro­file by cli­cking the Insta­gram button. This allows Insta­gram to asso­ciate your visit to our sites with your account. We would like to point out that we, as the pro­vi­der of the pages, have no know­ledge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data or its use by Insta­gram. Pri­vacy policy: http://​insta​gram​.com/​a​b​o​u​t​/​l​e​g​a​l​/​p​r​i​vacy/.

- We use social plug­ins of the social net­work Pin­te­rest, which is ope­ra­ted by Pin­te­rest Inc., 635 High Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94301, USA (“Pin­te­rest”). When you visit a page that con­ta­ins such a plugin, your brow­ser estab­lishes a direct con­nec­tion to the Pin­te­rest ser­vers. The plugin trans­fers pro­to­col data to the Pin­te­rest server in the USA. This log data may include your IP address, the address of web­sites visi­ted that also con­tain Pin­te­rest func­tions, type and set­tings of the brow­ser, date and time of the request, your use of Pin­te­rest and coo­kies. Pri­vacy Policy: https://​about​.pin​te​rest​.com/​d​e​/​p​r​i​v​a​c​y​-​p​olicy.

- Within our online offer, func­tions of the ser­vice or plat­form Twit­ter can be inte­gra­ted (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “Twit­ter”). Twit­ter is an offer of Twit­ter Inc, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Fran­cisco, CA 94103, USA. The func­tions include the pre­sen­ta­tion of our con­tri­bu­ti­ons within Twit­ter within our online offer, the link to our pro­file on Twit­ter, the pos­si­bi­lity to inter­act with the con­tri­bu­ti­ons and the func­tions of Twit­ter, as well as the mea­su­re­ment of whe­ther users reach our online offer via the adver­ti­se­ments placed by us on Twit­ter (so-called con­ver­sion mea­su­re­ment). Twit­ter is cer­ti­fied under the Pri­vacy Shield Agree­ment and thus offers a gua­ran­tee of com­pli­ance with Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion law (https://​www​.pri​va​cys​hield​.gov/​p​a​r​t​i​c​i​p​a​n​t​?​i​d​=​a​2​z​t​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​T​O​R​z​A​A​O​&​s​t​a​t​u​s​=​A​ctive). Pri­vacy policy: https://​twit​ter​.com/​d​e​/​p​r​ivacy, Opt-Out: https://​twit​ter​.com/​p​e​r​s​o​n​a​l​i​z​ation.