Curr­ently on Sale


Ori­gi­nal price was: 11,90 €.Cur­rent price is: 4,78 €.

Includes 19% VAT

Ori­gi­nal price was: 25,00 €.Cur­rent price is: 20,00 €.

Includes 19% VAT
This pro­duct has mul­ti­ple vari­ants. The opti­ons may be chosen on the pro­duct page

Ori­gi­nal price was: 7,85 €.Cur­rent price is: 3,50 €.

Includes 19% VAT


Includes 19% VAT

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Includes 19% VAT


Includes 19% VAT


Includes 19% VAT


Includes 19% VAT


Includes 19% VAT


Ver­mi­cu­lite 2L


Includes 19% VAT

Cus­to­mers about JAEGER Bruttechnik

We had one of the poul­try incu­ba­tors available for our kin­der­gar­ten pro­ject “From egg to chi­cken”. It is easy to use even for “com­plete beg­in­ners”, has clear ope­ra­ting ins­truc­tions, easy tem­pe­ra­ture adjus­t­ment if neces­sary and a super incu­ba­tion result.

This device is abso­lut­ely recom­men­da­ble and we would like to use it again any time.

Evan­ge­li­sche Kita Wächtersbach

At this point a big praise to hunter bree­ding technique!

The incu­ba­tors FB50 and FB80 for rep­tile eggs are the best available on the Euro­pean market, you can see that they have dealt inten­si­vely with the topic of “even heat dis­tri­bu­tion”, even con­den­sa­tion water on the eggs is not available at Jäger The devices work with me for over 10 years relia­bly and wit­hout defects like a Swiss clockwork.

I can recom­mend the men­tio­ned sur­face incu­ba­tors to ever­yone who is inte­res­ted in the topic incu­ba­tion, the­r­e­fore only warmly!

Alex­an­der Will

In 2011 I bought an arti­fi­cial globe FB 50 rep­ti­les from Mr. Vor­län­der. At that time I imme­dia­tely noti­ced the com­pe­tent, fri­endly and fast deli­very of the com­pany Jäger & Pfrom­mer Brutapparate.

The device has a very good qua­lity and is easy to ope­rate. The price/​performance ratio is excel­lent. I have reor­de­red “Brut­gra­nu­lat” this week. Cor­dial cont­act and very fast e‑mail response and delivery.

Thank you, again and again!

Frank S.

Your advan­ta­ges at JAEGER Bruttechnik

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