JAEGER Grow Tech. deve­lops pro­ducts around the topic “Grow your own plants”

Grow your own flowers, herbs and vegetables

Gro­wing your own plants in pots has many advan­ta­ges for you and your garden. You can choose any variety of vege­ta­bles, herbs or flowers and let them mature in your JAEGER Grow Tech. unit to ripen. Above all, this method saves costs, because the fur­ther the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess of seeds is advan­ced, the more expen­sive they become to purchase.

In addi­tion, young seed­lings grow directly in their envi­ron­ment and adapt better to it, which ulti­m­ately sup­ports the deve­lo­p­ment of seeds.
Due to the design of the JAEGER Grow Tech. Device, you can opti­mally set and use the requi­red cli­mate for the respec­tive plant. Thus, you need less time for care.

Flowers, herbs and vege­ta­bles: Many plants may not yet be plan­ted or sown out­doors at low tem­pe­ra­tures. Howe­ver, they can be grown with the JAEGER Grow Tech. Unit to grow them in advance.


With the JAEGER Grow Tech. Gro­wing device or system inclu­ding Moist Gro­wing-Set you can get that pro­blem-free. Even people “WITHOUT” green thumb create a per­fect result. Cus­to­mers are enthu­si­a­stic about the sim­pli­city and hand­ling of the device. Depen­ding on the size of each plant, the system can be expan­ded or can grow with. For this pur­pose, the device attach­ments are used. In order to moni­tor or adjust the requi­red humi­dity in the device for the respec­tive plant, the proven thread or hair hygro­me­ters can be used. The natu­ral pro­duct ver­mi­cu­lite or coco-spring tablets are also often used for sowing vege­ta­bles as well as flowers.