The Digi­tal World & JAEGER Hat­chery Technology

The range of social media ser­vices is diverse and new ones are con­stantly being added. While shoo­ting stars trig­ger hype within a few weeks, others lan­gu­ish for years and/​or dis­ap­pear altogether.

In very few cases does it make sense to be repre­sen­ted ever­y­where. Often, three to four ser­vices with rele­vant reach are enough for suc­cessful, stra­te­gic communication.

The ser­vices can be roughly clas­si­fied as blogs, wikis, social net­works, forums & user groups, loca­tion-based ser­vices and con­tent sha­ring plat­forms. We pre­sent the most signi­fi­cant plat­forms and chan­nels for hunter hat­chery tech­no­logy & bree­ders here.


  • Social media are digi­tal media and methods that enable users to net­work on the Inter­net, i.e., to exch­ange infor­ma­tion with each other and to create and share media con­tent indi­vi­du­ally or in a defi­ned com­mu­nity or openly in society


With more than 1.6 tril­lion users per month (09/​2016), Face­book is the world’s lar­gest social net­work. For bree­ding tech­no­logy, Face­book is an abso­lute must in social media mar­ke­ting, if only because of its reach. The plat­form is also beco­ming incre­asingly important as a news chan­nel. In 2014, 91% of all online news in Ger­many was dis­tri­bu­ted via the network.

On Face­book, users create pri­vate pro­files but also busi­ness pages such as JAEGER Hat­chery Tech­no­logy for busi­ness pre­sence, as well as groups for pri­vate dis­cus­sion. Through the friend requests, the pro­files can be net­worked with each other.

Whats­App allows users to exch­ange text mes­sa­ges, image, video and sound files, as well as loca­tion infor­ma­tion, docu­ments and cont­act data bet­ween two people or in groups via a mobile appli­ca­tion pro­gram (APP). The instant mes­sa­ging ser­vice has been part of Face­book since 2014. As the fas­test-gro­wing Inter­net ser­vice in history, Whats­App boasts 950 mil­lion monthly active users.

Here too JAEGER Hat­chery Tech­no­logy can be rea­ched at the number: +49 (0) 160 /​ 92 58 75 08 .

Is a mix­ture of micro­blog and audio­vi­sual plat­form. The photos uploa­ded here can also be shared on other social net­works. Sha­ring is done exclu­si­vely via an app. Insta­gram, which was purcha­sed by Face­book, records over 430 mil­lion active users per month in 09/​2016 and is deve­lo­ping as a new plat­form for JAEGER Hat­chery Tech­no­logy and for many gro­wers, such as:

Dwarf Figh­ter-Club Ger­many

The dwarf figh­ter bree­ders in the ter­ri­tory of the Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­many have united in the “Dwarf Figh­ter Club Ger­many of 1930″. Also for­eign bree­ders and lovers of the dwarf figh­ter breeds can become mem­bers of the club http://​www​.zwerg​kaemp​fer​.de/​.

Under the gene­ric term “Dwarf Figh­ter TV” videos around the club and its breeds are pre­sen­ted to you here again and again (https://​insta​gram​.com/​z​w​e​r​g​k​a​e​m​p​f​e​r​_​c​l​u​b​_​d​e​u​t​s​c​h​l​a​n​d​?​i​g​s​h​i​d​=​1​a​m​4​k​y​c​n​3nw8l).


Under the motto, “You’re loo­king for or offe­ring poul­try? We place the ad, you share it in your Story.” is the “Geflue­gel­boerse” since 2020 with very great suc­cess and con­stantly gro­wing sub­scri­bers on Insta­gram (https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/​g​e​f​l​u​e​g​e​l​b​o​e​r​s​ and You­Tube (https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​c​h​a​n​n​e​l​/​U​C​m​w​A​l​7​e​3​O​X​l​Y​V​C​i​K​k​h​ngeEg).


Curr­ently the most attrac­tive video portal belongs to the search engine giant Google. Users can watch video clips for free on the portal, rate them, com­ment on them, and upload all kinds of videos them­sel­ves, inclu­ding film and TV clips, music videos, trai­lers, and self-made films and slide­shows. In addi­tion to pro­fes­sio­nal infor­ma­tion or enter­tain­ment, you can also find all kinds of tech­ni­cally unso­phisti­ca­ted stuff. Bil­li­ons of videos are viewed every day. World­wide, You­Tube has over 1 tril­lion users per month (09/​2016) JAEGER Hat­chery Tech­no­logy at You­Tube


The micro­blog­ging ser­vice Twit­ter allows regis­tered users to write short mes­sa­ges in tele­gram form, the “tweets” limi­ted to a maxi­mum of 140 cha­rac­ters. The publicly visi­ble “online diary” with over 325 mil­lion (09/​2016) users per month is used by pri­vate indi­vi­du­als, orga­niza­ti­ons, com­pa­nies and the mass media.. JAEGER Hat­chery Tech­no­logy at Twit­ter



Refe­rence books on bee bio­logy, bree­ding and bee­kee­ping. Here you will find ever­y­thing you need to know about bee­kee­ping, bee­kee­ping and bee health. Expe­ri­en­ced prac­ti­tio­ners and renow­ned sci­en­tists share their exper­tise openly and easily understandable.
Web­site https://​


As a trai­ned bee­kee­per, “Karl-Heinz Güld­ner” works with his bees in harm­ony with nature and the sea­sons. Wit­hout stress and hectic, the Elb­hö­hen-bee­kee­per thus recei­ves a unique natu­ral pro­duct – real German honey.

As a member of the German Bee­kee­pers Asso­cia­tion, Elb­hö­hen-Bee­kee­pers pro­cess the honey accor­ding to the strict qua­lity gui­de­lines, as gently as pos­si­ble and in tra­di­tio­nal manual labor. This deli­cious and healthy deli­cacy con­ta­ins all the good­ness from the region and is bot­t­led directly by him in its natu­ral state.

Elb­hö­hen-Bee­kee­per is a part­ner of the North German Pesc­hetz Bree­ding Asso­cia­tion.

The Pesc­hetz bree­ding com­mu­nity has dedi­ca­ted itself to the bree­ding of resistant and gentle bee colo­nies. The bree­ding line “Car­nica” has been pro­du­cing effi­ci­ent bee colo­nies with excel­lent cha­rac­te­ristics for years, which enjoy great popularity.